Highlights from 2017

Well it’s January. 2018. Last time I posted it was September – of 2016.  To be honest, that’s not the last time I came here and wrote a blog post – just the last time I was actually able to put my thoughts into words I’d be willing to put out in public. You know…

Fall Fitness Goals & My Running Log

I find that over the summer, I’ve become obsessed a little to much with the scale and my motivation/determination has become tied to the numbers on the scale as well. So, for the fall, I am going to set some fitness goals that will rely on things I can do rather then on results on…

September Review: 16 in 2016

Early this week, I wrote a short post on starting fresh in September in order to end the year strong and yes, I am actually practicing what I preach in this case lol. This week, I’ve been reviewing the goals I set at the beginning of the year (My 16 for 2016) and working on…

Starting Fresh, Finishing Strong

We naturally think of January as the time to start fresh, re-evaluate our lives and say new goals. For me, and probably most parents out there, September is another great time to “Start fresh”.  Summer is busy and schedules change as kids spend more time at home but now that they are heading back to…

Your Own Damn Fault!

If you haven’t achieved your dreams, it’s your own damn fault! I watched a video that was shared on Facebook this morning and it was possibly one of the best inspirational videos I’ve seen in a long time. (You can find it here – it’s 6 minutes long and worth every minute!) The basic idea…

Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie

So I posted this on social media yesterday and had a few people ask me for the recipe. It’s very simple actually: 1 scoop ANS Diablo Vanilla Ice Cream Protein Powder 1 medium size banana 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup water Ice I put everything in my VitaMix blender except the ice and blended…

But You’re Gonna Look Like A Man and Other Myths

First let me say, this isn’t directed at anyone in particular. Most of these have been said to me multiple times by multiple, well meaning people. So if you’ve said them to me at one point or another, don’t feel bad. Just read and learn. But You’re Gonna Look Like a Man Do you know…

5 Products I Count On Right Now

So, along this journey to healthy living and heavy lifting, I’m learning a lot about nutrition, eating better, etc. And I’m exploring new products and ideas. Here are a few things I am loving right now!’ Green Chews from ItWorks I get these from Mandy and I LOVE them. They are find of like a…

The Big Goal

So in my last post – I mentioned that I have set a rather large goal for myself and I promised I would go into more detail soon. A lot of you probably already know this but here it is: I’ve decided I want to compete in a bodybuilding competition in the spring. Why? I…

The Day I Lost My Mind

Two weeks ago I had a break down. The last few months have brought a lot of change and a lot of stress. I think, for the most part, I handle it quite well. Much better then I would have a few years ago. But sometimes, when you’re trying to be strong for so long,…

Goals, Dreams and Doing What it Takes

I have goals I want to achieve, dreams I want to make come true. I live my life with a purpose. I will do whatever it takes. I will not let anything hold me back. You can either back me up or get out of the way. I have no time for anyone who isn’t…

16 in 2016 – Goal Review

2016 Goals: Review Well, February is coming to a close and that means the year is already 1/6 gone! In an effort to hold myself accountable, here is a  review of my 16 for 2016 Goals and my progress so far: (You can find the full goal list here) Goal 1, 2,3 : Work Related…

How to Stay Married to An Optimist

  Being an optimist means that, to the very core of my being, I believe in the good in people. I believe that, no matter how bad things get, there is always a solution and tomorrow WILL be a better day. I believe everyone has potential and when I am with someone, I see who…

16 Goals for 2016

*Disclaimer: Some of these are very vague – that is mainly because some of the details are things I can not share publicly (like work/income information, etc). In my private journal, these goals are much more specific. WORK 1. Set a new record in per issue sales REWARD: I have a set number for this…

Resolutions Anyone?

Social media gets a little interesting at this time of year. Most likely, your Facebook feed has looked a lot like mine lately. 1/2 your friends are posting stuff about a new year, a new start, first page of a new book, etc. The other half are busy reminding everyone that the change of year…

My Foolproof Last Minute Shopping Trick is…

My best tip? DON’T DO IT!  Every year I say I am going to plan ahead and every year, I end up shopping a week before Christmas. This year was much better, I had the majority of my shopping done in advance for once. Some tips I love: I don’t get credit for this: a…

The Best Part of The Holiday Season is…

Spending time with family! With so many kids – on different schedules – we don’t get a lot of time with everyone together. Over the holidays, schedules are rearranged to allow everyone to attend family events together as much as possible. This can be hectic and crazy on a good day – but it’s still…

Redesigning My Living Room

Last weekend, I had a day at home alone and I was bored: so I completely rearranged my living room. Seems logically right? Who needs a bubble bath when you can strain your back moving sofas and media units around all by yourself? After I finished moving things (the new layout is fantastic), I decided…

My Most Memorable Childood Holiday Moment was…

Christmas was always a great time when I was younger. Picking one favourite memory is easier said than done!  Here are a three of my favourites: My mom grew up in Manitoba but moved to BC before I was born. My parents stayed in BC until I was 9, so Christmas was often green. I…

5 Things I Love About My Husband

Marriage is hard. I should know – I’ve done it twice lol. (Okay, that’s not really all that funny but hey, sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself because if you take yourself to seriously, you’ll never move forward). Anyway – marriage is hard. Every marriage has it’s ups and downs. Good times and…

OBS: Determining Priorities

So I recently joined an online bible study through Proverbs 31 women’s ministry and my plan is to spend a little time each week blogging about that week’s chapters. The book we are studying from is called Taming the To-Do List by Glynnis Whitwer.  This isn’t a time-management book that teaches you some sort of…

Summer in Review 2015

The kids are all officially back in school and summer has come to an end. It’s been a crazy back to school week this year! We had 6 kids in 3 different schools with 3 different start dates. It was a little surreal sending one to grade 11 and two others to kindergarten on the…

My New Addiction: Adult Colouring Books

I’ve always loved to doodle. You can usually tell if I’ve had a stressful day because there will be a doodle if some sort on my desk. I also do them when I’m bored, like this one from a raining moment at the camp ground this summer. Last week I found this at Wal-Mart: It’s…

The Problem with Change

This past weekend, my husband and I took two of our kids to the lake for the weekend. The kids quickly made friends with some of the other kids in the area and I was able to spend most of my weekend relaxing and reading. I had just picked up a new book from one…

What gets me excited about life?

Goals:  Having goals – something to look forward to or plan for – gets me excited. I like planning for the future, setting goals for things I’d like to accomplish. I find this much easier at work because I have a strong support system of people who share my goals, actively invest in what I…

Our Wedding Album

Ok – I realize that it’s been a year and a half since the wedding but I finally got around to ordering my wedding album and I thought I would share a digital preview! Enjoy!   Click here to view this photo book larger Build your own high-quality photo books at Shutterfly.com.

Choose Carefully

“Your words have power, choose them carefully.” I’m sitting at home, listening to music by For King & Country today and that thought crossed my mind.  A few weeks ago, a woman I used to play baseball with added me on Facebook. We never knew each other well and, to put it nicely, we were…

3 Things I’ve Learned… Part 3

I have found that children generally have a lot to offer. Each of my children challenges me in different ways and teaches me different lessons. Here are a three things I am learning from my son: Forgive: Now, before it’s asked for, before it’s deserved. Kahlan is very quick to forgive, even before the person…